Professional Background on Johan P Strümpfer



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This web site provides information on my professional background

I am interested in everything that affects and impacts on business' performance. I am particularly focused on what helps business gain and maintain a competitive advantage. This ranges from business strategy to shop floor morale. 

I have an extensive academic background and many years of experience in business improvement. You will find details on this on this webs site. If you would like to know more, or discuss a topic, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thought 1: Appropriate action is what counts.

Thought 2: Appropriate action derives from appropriate reflection
Thought 3: What is appropriate depends on the context. Thought 4: The people living in the context have to decide.
A Brief history of my time:

I started working after my first degree, and qualified further in part time studies. My interest has always been more the application of knowledge than the knowledge itself. I initially worked in an environment where organizational problems abounded. I tried every tool in my quantitative methods background, and kept adding to this background because I felt the actual situations called for more tools.  I was about half way through my PhD when I worked out that problem solving is a lot more than knowing the solution. My real education came from pursuing this though at the Wharton Business School on a post doctoral year. This background shifted me to participative processes for dealing with organizational development and improvement of business. I tend to focus on the completive strategy position of the business. I have been doing this for over 20 years and perhaps this is the biggest education of all.

You can find descriptions of this journey on this web site.


On action and reflection

The world we live in is in a mess. The time has come to stop acting, and to start thinking: We cannot afford any longer the cost of ineffectual action based on shallow comprehension of what we are doing, and the consequences of our actions. Likewise, we can not simply resume thinking in patterns that lead to the ineffectual action in the first place. We have to recover our senses, reflect and inquire using sound and rigorous principles. And act on the basis of a much deeper comprehension.

  (Refer Thinking and action, J Strümpfer).


Forthcoming material on this web site:
  1. A Change Management Framework: Most organizational change fail, or is at best partially implemented. The reason for this is that the nature of the change, its impact on the business, and how it should be managed, is not correctly perceived. We have developed a framework for managing change in organizations that goes a long way towards putting the right focus on interventions for implementation success.
  2. Strategic Bankruptcy: Many businesses fail, or under perform significantly, because they focus very hard on financial success but leave the business bankrupt in its competitive arsenal. We have developed a set of measures that can allow you to assess how far your business is from strategic bankruptcy.
  3. Strategic Intelligence: Ever wondered why some people are astute at improving the business' strategic positioning, and others just cannot seem to do the right thing? We discuss some of the characteristics of this differences. 
Product and Service Offerings

There are two services that we offer:

  1. Consulting, around strategy and planning for the future, organizational structuring, and general business performance improvement. These projects are situation specific; please contact us for specific proposal.
  2. Management Development programs; details are on this web site.

You can also access written information from the sections on publications and presentations.


Availability status:

I am currently in South Africa and working & contactable.

I should respond to any enquiries quickly.



   Link to the consulting business in which I am a involved:


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This site was last updated 2009-01-08